Samsung has reportedly fixed the Galaxy Fold

Samsung has redesigned the Galaxy Fold to address the screen durability issues that torpedoed its launch, Bloomberg reports, with the folding phone soon to begin commercial production. The company still isn’t able to confirm a release date, however, and one person told Bloomberg that the phone is unlikely to resurface at next month’s Galaxy Note 10 event.

Samsung is said to have made the screen’s protective film “flow into the bezels so it would be impossible to peel off by hand.” Previous review units shipped with a film that looked like a removable screen protector, even though removing it would actually destroy the screen — as some reviewers found out.

The Verge’s unit had a different problem, however, developing a strange bulge that ultimately broke the OLED panel. It’s not clear whether Samsung’s re-engineered hinge, which is apparently now flush with the display and stretches the protective film further, would do anything for that issue.

We’ll have to see how that shakes out, but the main takeaway from the Bloomberg report is that the Fold should return sometime this year. When it does, you can expect a lot of scrutiny.

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